PTE Speaking & Writing

The PTE speaking and writing tests are one of the more critical and complex exams that test your skills. Uniquely, these two tests are coupled together, the only ones of the PTE assessments.

The exams will be in the order of the speaking module, then followed by the writing exam. They are used together to test your greater comprehension, summary, and communication skills. As a result, the PTE speaking and writing guides can be the most stressful of all of the PTE exams you will face.

This guide is designed to help you understand and introduce the methodology and the complexity of the PTE speaking and writing tests. After reading through this guide, it is hoped that you will not be just better informed but in a better position to prepare for the exams themselves.

We will also be providing some examples of what to expect during the exams, as well as a few nuances of the tests that will help you not be surprised when you face the examinations.

We will be discussing the PTE writing and speaking tests as, apart from just being part of the same module, they are also intrinsically linked. Preparing for both will allow you to tackle the assessments with greater confidence in what to expect and how to complete them to the best of your ability.

What is PTE speaking and writing tests in more detail?

The PTE speaking and writing tests are purely styled to focus on your comprehension and summarization skills. On top of that, the more excellent assessment is on your communication skills and will examine your grammar, spelling, pronunciation, and the structure of your sentences.

This will be done by getting you to speak and write about a range of topics, given pre-set examples based on the more excellent PTE module. These subjects, similarly to other PTE tests, range from socio-economic issues to political discussion and even culturally sensitive issues in the common debate today.

As a result, given that the test focuses both on your speaking and writing, the topics will be numerous and various. They will include considerably more complex subjects than other PTE tests.

PTE speaking examples

Below are some examples that you can expect from the PTE speaking module. In these tests, you will be expected to read from a set topic, repeat a sentence played to you, describe an image as comprehensively as you can, listen to a more complex speech and summarise it, and answer a question as accurately and as simply as possible.

Some examples of what will make up the tests involved in this module may be:

Read a sentence: The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, tabled a bill in the House of Representatives earlier this afternoon. The debate was gagged before the statement was voted for. It passed and will go to the Senate later this evening for formal reading.

Repeat a sentence: Australia’s economy grew by 0.4% in the last financial quarter, despite the tax cut stimulus implemented earlier in the year. This was well below the forecasted growth rate of 1.3% that was laid out before the 2019 Federal Election.

Describe an image: The images shown to you will vary, but you can expect them to be very busy visually and depict complex actions.

Recall a lecture: The lecture that will be played will involve complex topics regarding politics, social, economic, and cultural issues. You can expect them to be widely topical and also heavily detailed.

Answer a question: The question that you will be asked will most likely also be related to the above issues but will require you to answer in a factual manner rather than in an opinionated manner

PTE writing examples

The PTE writing test will involve you completing a 250 – 300-words essay based on a particular question.

You will have to write to the question answered, such as agree or disagree, alternatives, positive or negative, and true or false.

You can read more on our detailed essay writing guide for more information.

Preparing for the PTE speaking exam

Like all of the PTE tests, the speaking exam is a complex and challenging assessment and one that can be stressful as you go through the test of your comprehension and oral skills.

Fortunately, preparing for the PTE speaking test can be easier than the other four PTE exams. To begin with, reading up on social and political current affairs can help you train your mind to discuss the eventuality of the subject matter in the PTE exams.

By being familiar with topics such as these, you will be able to pick up on the nuances and specific key phrases and words behind the subjects. This will help you tremendously during the exam as, especially during the recall of a lecture module, you will be tested on your quick thinking relating to the subject.